Determination of the Concentrations of CF2 and CF3 Radicals in an Argon Matrix: An Illustration Using Predicted Infrared Intensities

A novel procedure is described for the determination of concentrations of CF2 and CF3 radicals from the infrared spectrum using predicted values for the absolute integrated molar absorption coefficients. The predictions were made using an F-atom polar tensor transferred from CH3F according to procedures described earlier. These predicted intensities are used to calculate a simulated spectrum, adjusting the values assumed for the concentrations of CF4, CF3, and CF2 until agreement is obtained with the experimental spectrum obtained by Milligan and Jacox from a sample of CF2N2 photolyzed in an argon matrix in the presence of an added F-atom source. This procedure illustrates an analytical application of predicted infrared intensities that may also be important for other unstable species.