The testicular changes in pneumonia are without clinical manifestations, are non-specific, focal in character, independent of the infecting organisms or the antecedent disease, and vary in severity directly with the total length of the illness. The process is a continuous one, divisible into stages in which the following features are recognizable: (1) cessation of spermatogenesis; (2) degeneration of preformed spermatocytes, spermatids, and spermatozoa; (3) desquamation of altered cells and fragments of the same; (4) formation of giant cells in the tubule walls with subsequent liberation into the lumen; (5) disappearance of all desquamated cells and all those derived from the spermatogonia by mitosis; (6) in some instances thickening of the hyaline layer of the basement membrane. Older lesions are frequently found which continue the structural alteration of the tubules by hyalinosis and destruction of cells until they ultimately disappear. These lesions are not believed to be connected with the present illness. Edema may represent the acute injury in another form, and round cell infiltration suggests that possibly other factors than toxins may have a part in the tissue alterations. In the absence of definite evidence to the contrary, the cause is assumed to be circulating toxins, as Wolbach (12) claims for influenzal cases. The hemolytic streptococcus produced more extensive changes, both epithelial and interstitial, in primary pneumonia occurring during the measles epidemic than when pneumonia followed as a secondary infection; in the latter cases the pulmonary complications covered a relatively shorter period. Measles and epidemic influenza had little apparent effect upon the testes, except that the former caused mild inhibition of spermatogenesis; evidence regarding the latter is inconclusive. The Pfeiffer bacillus was always associated with other organisms, in primary infections and in those following measles. It occurred alone in a few cases after epidemic influenza, but the testicular lesion was not distinctive. The pneumococcus when alone in primary infections or after an epidemic disease produced a uniformly mild picture which was not intensified when associated with the influenza bacillus. Giant cells were much more frequent after influenzal pneumonia regardless of its cause and were associated with large numbers of other desquamated cells. They are formed in the walls of tubules by futile mitotic effort and incomplete protoplasmic separation, the abnormality of the process being further suggested by the early severing of cytoplasmic attachments and rapid desquamation. The series is unique in its uniformity, in the care exercised in the bacteriological examinations, and in the relative freedom from complicating factors.