Perforated and Gangrenous Appendicitis: An Analysis of Antibiotic Failures

The relationships between resistant pathogens, serum levels of gentamicin, and the outcomes of gangrenous or perforated appendicitis were analyzed in 147 patients. Failure to cure the infection occurred significantly more frequently among patients treated with cefoperazone or cefamandole than among those treated with clindamycin and gentamicin in combination. The failures were associated with recovery of resistant Bacteroides fragilis from intraoperative cultures. Pseudomonas species were also associated with failures, their in vitro susceptibility not correlating with clinical cure. Patients with gentamicin peak serum levels of B fragilis and that precise adjustments of gentamicin levels may not improve outcome. In addition, Pseudomonas species may playa significant role in some of these infections.