Cultured Lung Cells: Interplay Effects of Beta-Mimetics, Prostaglandins and Corticosteroids in the Biosynthesis of Dipalmitoyl Lecithin

Cell lines derived from type II lung cells were used to study interplays of substances affecting incorporation of labeled precursors [1-14C]palmitate and [methyl-3H]choline into phosphatidyl choline. Ethanol stimulated markedly biosynthesis of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline in cloned rabbit lung cells; the stimulating acion of ethanol was reduced very much by cortisol and less by ritodrine. In the presence of 0.1 .mu.M isoproterenol, 2 prostaglandins, E2 and F2.alpha., caused marked depressions in the incorporation of both precursors by cell line A549 derived from human lung adenocarcinoma. Among the agents studied, ethanol and cortisol are potent antagonists, and so were also the prostaglandins and isoproterenol.