Carcinoma of the pyriform sinus: Predictors of TNM relapse and survival

To determine predictors of TNM relapse and survival for 108 patients with epidermoid carcinoma of the pyriform sinus, the histopathologic features of tumor-related and host-related characteristics were correlated with primary and/or cervical nodal failure, distant metastases, and actuarial three-year survival. Patients in this study received preoperative irradiation and pattial laryngopharyngectpmy (PLP) or total laryngopharyngectomy (TLP) with en bloc radical neck dissection. Higher rates of local failure were observed in patients with keratinizing tumors (34 vs. 15%), with tumors having an “infiltrating” tumor-stromal interface (30 vs. 14%), with positive surgical margins in PLP or TLP specimens (30 vs. 16%), and with extranodal extension of tumor (39 vs. 22%). The development of distant metastases was significantly correlated with nonkeratinizing carcinomas (30 vs 11%, P = 0.02), and was observed more often in patients with positive lymph nodes (17 vs. 7%). Patients with negative surgical margins in PLP or TLP excision (50 vs. 21%, P = 0.01) survived significantly longer.