Elastic Scattering of Electrons and Positrons by Lithium Atoms

The eikonal approximation has been used to investigate e±Li scattering in the energy region E=0.8 to 500 eV. In addition to the static potential, the effect of the polarization potential has been included explicitly. Our results for the total cross section of eLi scattering in the energy region 4E10 eV are in close agreement with the recent experimental findings as well as with the theoretical results obtained by various authors using the close-coupling approximation. In the energy region 10<E500 eV, the present approach yields higher values than first Born approximation (FBA). Our results for the total cross section for e+Li scattering in the eikonal approximation are displayed and compared with the corresponding polarized FBA results and the results obtained by the polarized-orbital method. Results for the differential cross sections for both the systems e±Li in the eikonal approximation are also presented together with the corresponding polarized FBA results.