It is shown that the ABFST (Amati, Bertocchi, Fubini, Stanghellini, and Tonin) multiperipheral model with a resonance kernel possesses an effective cutoff in σn(s) at a maximum value of n related to lns by nmax1=(1b)ln(sm02), where ln2<b<ln4, and n is the number of pion pairs (resonances). It is shown that this is analogous to a Van der Walls-like (VdW) gas (in the Feynman gas analogy) with the parameter b occurring in the equation of state p(vb)=1, the pressure p being taken equal to the Pomeron intercept α, and v1=nlns. The choice of p=α is shown to correspond to massless-pion exchange. The results are strong-coupling results and cannot be obtained in a weak-coupling (Poisson) limit in which pv=1. If the VdW parameter a is introduced via the prescription (p+4av2) (vb)=1, we can establish a relationship with a generalized multiperipheral ABFST model, in which pairwise pion final-state interactions are taken into account in an average, though nontrival, way. We also examine an iterated resonance-plus-diffraction multiperipheral model (the "schizophrenic Pomeron" model), and find similar results for cutoffs, though an explicit analogy with the a=0 VdW model is not possible. The introduction of a0 is shown to mix the resonance and diffractive couplings in this model. In all cases, leading-Regge-pole behavior is obtained if it is assumed that the critical point is not reached.