Simple Estimate of the Attenuation of Quasifree Scattering in Nucleon-Deuteron Breakup

A semiclassical model has been developed to estimate the attenuation of quasifree scattering in nucleon-deuteron breakup. According to this model the probability that an initial quasifree scattering event undergoes multiple scattering is just the probability that one or the other of the emerging high-energy particles strikes the spectator particle before leaving the volume of space occupied by the target deuteron. The model yields directly a prediction for the probability of such a rescattering for events in which the nucleons in the deuteron are far apart. An approximate form is assumed for the short-range behavior of this rescattering probability. With this approximation the predictions of the model for the peak value of the D(p,2p)n cross section agree well with experiment in the energy range 20-50 MeV and the predicted energy spectrum at Ep=45 MeV agrees with experiment in both size and shape.