Differences in chemical composition of plants grown at constant relative growth rates with stable mineral nutrition

Leaf chemistry of a willow clone (Salix aquatica Smith) differed significantly when grown at constant relative growth rates depending upon the relative availability of nutrients and light. Concentration of amino acids and nitrate were high in plants grown with a relative surplus of nutrients. Concentrations of starch, tannin, and lignin, on the other hand, were high in plants grown with a relative surplus of carbon. Photosynthetic rates, expressed per unit leaf area, were similar when plants were grown under high light conditions, regardless of nutrient availability. Dark respiration was much higher in plants supplied with abundant nutrients than in those with a more limited supply, reflecting differences in nitrogen concentration of the tissue. The experimental approach allows plants to be grown to a standard size with differing, but highly uniform chemistry. Plants grown in such a manner may provide good experimental material to evaluate interactions between herbivores or pathogens and their hosts.