Slow-Neutron Scattering and Collective Motions in Liquid Lead

Using the Materials-Testing-Reactor phased-chopper velocity selector, measurements have been made of the scattering law S(κ,ω) for liquid lead at 352°C for energy transfers ω in the range 0-20 meV and for momentum transfer κ in the range 1-4 Å1. The scattering law exhibits a strong momentum-dependent structure at small energy transfer (corresponding to the diffraction maxima). Although for large values of the energy transfer this pronounced structure has disappeared, the S(κ,ω) curves still show two very broad maxima. The "one-phonon" partial differential scattering cross section is extracted from the data after subtracting multiphonon and multiple-scattering contributions, and the results are compared with those calculated on the basis of a model proposed by one of us (K.S.S.). This comparison shows that the model not only has the correct qualitative features but also gives a semi-quantitative agreement. From the analysis of the data, we conclude that there exist "collective excitations" in liquid lead. Also, for times of the order of 1012 sec, there exist at least the first two somewhat diffuse Brillouin zones in the liquid.