Space division switches based on semiconductor optical amplifiers

Multiple space-division switches based on semiconductor optical amplifiers (SOAs) can be cascaded to obtain larger switching fabrics. The authors present a general analysis of optical switching fabrics using SOAs, considering noise and saturation effects associated with amplified spontaneous emission. They find that the SOA saturation output power limits the number of switches which can be cascaded. For example, a saturation output power of 100 mW limits the size of switching fabrics to 100 64*64 switches or 200 8*8 switches if distributed gain matrix-vector multiplier (MVM) switches or Benes switches are employed. The corresponding limit for lumped gain MVM fabrics is 10 64*64 or 100 8*8. The Benes switch may be more suitable for large switch size (N>16) because it requires fewer SOAs.

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