Investigation ofγRays followingS- andP-Wave Neutron Capture in Tin Isotopes

The energies and intensities of γ rays following slow-neutron capture in resonances in isotopes of tin have been studied. The angular distribution of γ rays from capture in P-wave resonances in Sn118, Sn120, and Sn124 has been measured for several γ rays in order to determine the spins and parities of initial and final states in the reaction. The following assignments for the resonances can be made: Sn117(38.8 eV, 1+), Sn118(45.8 eV, 32) Sn120(426.9 eV, ½), and Sn124(61.95 eV, ½), The spins of eight final states in Sn119 are assigned by virtue of the nonisotropic angular distribution for γ rays following P-wave capture. New data on the energy levels in Sn118, Sn121, and Sn125 are also presented. Results of the present work are compared with the results of (d, p) and other charged-particle reaction studies and theoretical calculations on the tin isotopes.