Performance on the Test of Everyday Attention and Standard Tests of Attention following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury

Copyright © 2001 Swets and ZeitlingerThe Test of Everyday Attention (TEA) was designed to address some of the limitations of established measures of attention. However, very few studies have examined its clinical utility. A group of 35 patients who had sustained a severe TBI were compared with 35 age- and education-matched controls on the TEA, Stroop, SDMT, WMS-R Digit Span, Ruff 2s and 7s Selective Attention Test, and PASAT. Of the TEA subtests, only the Map and Telephone Search subtests of the TEA produced significant differences between the two groups, suggesting a deficit in visual selective attention following TBI. Principal components analysis revealed a four-component / factor structure of attention, largely consistent with previous studies. A logistic regression found that the TEA Map Search and Modified Colour-Word subtest of the Stroop were best able to discriminate between the TBI and control groups. When the TBI group was divided into Early ( < 1 year post injury) and Late ( > 2 years post injury) groups, there was an additional deficit on the Lottery (sustained attention) subtest in the Early TBI group, indicating that there is some recovery in attentional function beyond 1 year post injury.Andrew J. Bate, Jane L. Mathias, and John R. Crawfor