Sulfation Factor Measurement as an Aid in the Recognition of Pituitary Dwarfism

Sulfation factor (SF) activity has been measured in the serum of 51 patients with growth impairment without skeletal deformities or gross destructive pituitary disease In 17 cases, SF was low as compared with that of a control series. The patients with low SF exhibited greater retardation of skeletal growth and more frequent hypoadrenalcorticism. Thyroid deficiency was no more common in patients with low than with normal sulfation factor. Similar studies have been carried out in sera from 12 patients with gonadal agenesis. Sulfation factor activity was normal in 8, low in 3, and high in one case. Patients with low SF appeared to require smaller doses of growth hormone than patients with normal SF to induce a reduction of urinary nitrogen. Long-term human growth hormone treatment of the 8 patients with low SF produced excellent growth responses in 5 and less definite response in 2. The treatment of 5 patients with normal SF failed to produce a major stimulation of growth in any case. It is concluded that measurement of SF was helpful in recognizing pituitary dwarfism and selection of patients for long-term treatment with human growth hormone.