Uniform Treatment of Pion Electro- and Photoproduction in Regge Theory

The problems associated with the conventional kinematical interpretation of the pion pole in Regge theory are studied. It is found that a formulation leading to a dynamical interpretation is possible in an approach which emphasizes the Lorentz-invariance interpretation of gauge invariance. This approach leads to a uniform treatment of pion production by real and virtual photons in the sense that the former is demanded to be the zero-mass limit of the latter in a manner consistent with Lorentz-invariance requirements on helicity amplitudes, as suggested by Weinberg. Our formula for the meson Regge pole has a singularity at t=μ2 which explicitly comes from a factor 1sinπα(t), rather than the kinematical factor (tμ2)1 used in recent phenomenological analyses. Comments are made on some features arising from gauge invariance which are analogous to perturbation theory.