Rare-Earth Ion Relaxation Time andGTensor in Rare-Earth-Doped Yttrium Iron Garnet. I. Ytterbium

Microwave-resonance measurements at 9.3 and 16.8 Gc/sec between 1.5 and 300°K in the principal crystallographic directions of a single-crystal of yttrium iron garnet (YIG) doped with 5.1% Yb are compared with the predictions of the longitudinal (so-called "slow relaxing ion") mechanism of relaxation, which is briefly reviewed. Except for the low-temperature anomaly in the [110] direction, excellent agreement is found. A quantitative analysis allows deduction of the tensor G describing the anisotropic exchange splitting of the ground-state Kramers doublet of the Yb ion. We obtain G1=31.9 cm1; G2=22.4 cm1; G3=8.5 cm1, which is a similar result to that reported from spectroscopic measurements on ytterbium iron garnet. The small differences probably reflect the different lattice dimensions in the two cases. We also deduce τ, the relaxation time of the Yb ion in the YIG environment. The results are most extensive and accurate in the [111] direction, where the temperature dependence for T<60 °K indicates the dominance of a direct process as described by (1τ)D=(1τ0)Dcoth(δ2kT) with (1τ0)D=2.1×109 sec1 for δ111=21.0 cm1. Taking into account that the measured relaxation time in this direction is a weighted average of the two relaxation times associated with the two values of the doublet splitting, we find that the observed direct process is well described by spin-magnon relaxation, which also gives a more consistent evaluation of the G tensor than does spin-lattice relaxation. At higher temperatures, the temperature dependence of the observed relaxation time follows that expected for the Raman process, viz., (1τ)R=AJ8T9, with A=4.5×1012 sec1 (°K)9 for a Debye temperature of 550°K. This is in excellent agreement with the Raman-process relaxation time reported for Yb in yttrium gallium garnet, though it is some 5 orders of magnitude shorter than the theoretical estimate. The Orbach process is found to be unimportant over the temperature range covered.