Narrative Strategies of Aphasic and Normal-Speaking Subjects

A Picture Story Test for eliciting narrative speech was administered to five patients in each of the subgroups of Broca's and Wernicke's aphasic subjects and matched controls. While Wernicke's subjects and normal-speaking subjects did not differ significantly in total output, the proportion of significant target lexemes was four times as great for normal-speaking subjects as for Wernicke's aphasic subjects. Broca's aphasic subjects, in spite of their telegraphic output, also had a smaller proportion of target lexemes than normal speakers. The proportion of nouns to verbs was elevated in the speech of Broca's aphasic subjects and depressed in the speech of Wernicke's aphasic subjects. Grammatical complexity was reduced in Wernicke's aphasic subjects, who used simple concatenation much more often than normal-speaking subjects. The Picture Story Test is suggested as a clinically useful technique.