Adsorption of molecular nitrogen on clean and modified Ru(001) surfaces: The role ofσbonding

A detailed study of the adsorption of N2 on clean and chemically modified Ru(001) surfaces suggests that the mechanism of N2 adsorption is qualitatively different from that of the isoelectronic CO molecule. A multitude of experimental techniques performed on ruthenium preadsorbed with well-characterized coverages of electron donors (potassium) and acceptors (oxygen) have produced the following principal findings: (1) On all surfaces studied, N2 adsorption produces a negative work-function change which results principally from a transfer of charge from the N2 molecule to the surface. (2) The charge transferred per N2 admolecule is reduced in the presence of potassium, increased in the presence of oxygen. (3) N2 interacts repulsively with potassium adatoms, attractively with oxygen adatoms. (4) The observation that potassium precoverages as low as CTHETAK>0.08 completely suppress the adsorption of N2 at 85 K enables us to determine a minimum K-N2 interaction distance of 4.25 Å. (5) The N2 adsorption bond is weakened in the presence of potassium, strengthened in the presence of oxygen. (6) NN bond strengthening (weakening) as observed in the vibrational spectrum is always accompanied by N2 adsorption bond strengthening (weakening). These experimental results indicate that the adsorption bond of N2 is formed principally through σ donation in contrast to that of CO which is widely believed to be mediated via synergistic charge donation from the CO 5σ orbital to the metal and ‘‘back-donation’’ from the metal d band to the CO 2π orbital. This mechanism contradicts most theoretical models of N2 adsorption, which predict similar bonding mechanisms for these two diatomic molecules.