A/riplex hasia/a is taken as an example of a halophytie member of the genus. As a seedling it is shown to be tolerant to NaGI concentrations !tpproximating that of sea� water (O�tiiVI). Growth, however, is severely inhibited in concentrations above O�aM. For comparable cOllcentmtions, the chloride cOlltellts of the mature leaves are lower than those of either A. vesicaria or tomato plants. The root systems of A. has/a/a exhibit considerably higher chloride (mntents on a dry matter basis than the mature leaves. The total of the mature leaf cations analysed greatly exceeded the total of the inorganic anions. This condition is shown to agree with what would be expeeted, assuming a simple Donnan equilibrium existed between the mature leaves and the external eulture solution, where the concentration of the latter is 0'2M: or above.