Extract Despite the importance of the beef and dairy industries in this country, little attention has been given to parasitic gastroenteritis as an animal health problem in cattle, although McMeekan ( 1954 McMeekan, C. P. 1954. Proc. Ruakura Farmers Conference Week, : 186–186. [Google Scholar] ) has stated that helminths are most commonly associated with severe unthriftiness and losses in dairy calves after weaning. Apart from a recent report of a drenching trial in cattle (Cairns and Gallagher, 1964 Cairns, G. C. and Gallagher, R. M. 1964. N.Z. vet J., 12: 26–26. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] ), there is a complete lack of published information on either the importance and prevalence of the disease in New Zealand, or on the host-parasite relationships concerned in the epidemiology of the disease. Similarly the literature is devoid of data relating to the incidence and distribution of the various parasite species.