Analysis of germline variation at the FMR1 CGG repeat shows variation in the normal-premutated borderline range

In order to characterize the dynamics of CGG repeat instability at the fragile X syndrome locus ( FMR1 gene), we have used small pool PCR to estimate the mutation rate within germline (sperm) and somatic tissue (leukocytes) of two normal males, one carrying the most common 29 CGG repeats allele, the other carrying a borderline normal—premutated allele of 55 repeats. Large contractions and moderate expansions of the repeat were found in sperm and blood for the 55 repeat allele while almost no variation was found in sperm or blood with the 29 repeat allele. Somatic blood DNA exhibited fewer expansions and contractions than sperm. Contractions were more frequent than expansions, and all the expansions were found in the +4 to +10 repeats range, while most of the contractions were found in the −10 to −30 range, suggesting that a subset of contractions results from a distinct mechanism. These results also suggest that the dynamics of the CGG repeat could be partly due to germline instability within the high normal or premutated ranges.