Sacks. F. M., B. Rosner and E. H. Kass (Harvard Medical School. Boston. Mass. 02118). Blood pressure in vegetarians. Am J Epidemiol 100:390–398, 1974.—In studies of the etiology of elevated blood pressure (BP) in man, little attention has been accorded to dietary factors other than salt. The BP and individual dietary habits were studied of 210 men and women living in communal households in greater Boston, eating food mainly from vegetable sources. Mean BP for age group 16–29 was 106/60 mm Hg, and the regression coefficient of BP on age was about 0.2; both values are less than those usually found in Western populations. The declared consumption of food of animal origin was highly significantly associated with systolic and diastolic BP after the age and weight effects were removed. Significant aggregation of systolic BP levels occurred among unrelated members of communes, before and after removing the effect of age and weight. These data suggest a relation between BP levels and consumption of food from animal sources.