The superconducting transition temperatures (in zero magnetic field) of In-Cd alloys in the range 0-60 at.% cadmium have been measured. Tc decreases from 3.406 to 3.245°K in the tetragonal solid solution and from 3.55 to 3.00°K in the cubic phase, with increasing Cd content. A kink in the Tc-versus-composition curve at 2 at.% Cd is attributed to Fermi-surface-Brillouin-zone interaction. This interpretation is supported by lattice-parameter determinations which show an anomaly at 2% Cd, and also by the magnetic susceptibility measurements of Verkin and Svechkarev. The existence of the superconductivity anomaly at Z=2.98 supports a recent hypothesis of Svechkarev concerning the electronic structure of indium. Measurement of reduced resistance ratio ρR4.2(R273R4.2) show ρ to be linear in Cd concentration x up to the solubility limit at 5 at.% Cd, with a slope of 0.042/(at.% Cd). The data for the tetragonal phase are not linear on a plot of ΔTcx versus lnx, and thus do not fit the present theory of Tc variation in primary solid solutions. At the tetragonal-cubic phase transition, Tc jumps by 10% without change of electron/atom ratio, cell volume, or ionic mass. The superconductivity data are all consistent with the published phase diagram of Heumann and Predel.