Schauder's fixed-point theorem may be used to show that certain crossing-symmetric S-matrix equations have solutions. The method is illustrated in the case of the one-meson Low equation. It is proved that a sufficient condition for the existence of a solution is that the coupling constant be less than a certain bound which depends on the cutoff and the crossing matrix. The proof works for an arbitrary n×n crossing matrix with weak conditions on the cutoff function [for instance, v(k)=O(k2ε), k]. The allowed range of coupling constants is such as to rule out resonant scattering. A related circumstance is that for the solution in question the baryon is elementary in the sense that it corresponds to a Castillejo-Dalitz-Dyson pole of an appropriate D function. The technique of applying Schauder's theorem differs from that of Atkinson's similar work in that the dispersion relations are approached directly without the aid of the ND method. Hence the problem of D-function ghosts is avoided, and complete crossing symmetry is ensured.