College Womenʼs Attitudes and Expectations Concerning Menstrual-Related Changes

The present study examined college women's expectations, attitudes, and knowledge about menstrual-related changes in order to provide a more complete picture of how women perceive the experience of menstruation and to explore the interrelationships of these variables. The women responded to the Moos Menstrual Distress Questionnaire as if they were premenstrual and as if they were intermenstrual in order to examine expectations about symptom changes for themselves. They also responded to a series of agree/disagree items, which yielded five dimensions of attitudes or styles of coping with menstruation. In general, the results suggested that these college women accepted menstruation rather routinely and did not perceive it as overly disruptive. Furthermore, it appears that beliefs about menstruation are more complex than previously thought, involving differential perceptions of physical versus psychological symptoms and a variety of dimensions of menstrual-related attitudes.