Mössbauer effect inZn67

Nuclear-resonance absorption has been observed with an enriched Zn67O absorber, and with sources of Zn67 diffused into ZnO, ZnS (both wurtzite and sphalerite), ZnSe, ZnTe, and Cu. Resonance was also observed with a copper host and a natural crystal of sphalerite. The aparatus, capable of handling count rates exceeding 2 × 105 counts/sec, could detect resonances of 0.01% depth in the life of a single 10 mCi source. Variations in the integrated areas of peaks in the ZnO-ZnO spectrum are explained by inhomogeneous electric field gradients. Isomer shifts cover a range of 112 μm/sec, and are found (expect for the metallic Cu host) to be linear in lattice spacing. The sign of this relation suggests that the excited-state charge radius exceeds that of the ground state. Calculations show the shifts to be primarily of chemical origin, with only small contributions from the second-order Doppler shift associated with zero-point motion.