Semiclassical Treatment of Strong Collisions in Pressure Broadening

The classical-path approximation reduces the problem of pressure broadening of spectral lines to the evaluation of matrix elements of the scattering operator. If the intermolecular potential is long range and the interaction volume is large, the broadening is caused by distant or weak collisions. In this case, the scattering operator can be approximated by a second-order expansion, and the perturber trajectories can be taken to be straight paths. For neutral atoms or molecules, the intermolecular potential is short range and broadening arises from close or "strong" collisions. In this paper it is shown how classical trajectories, determined by a "scalar interaction" (i.e., one that does not depend upon the state of the radiator), can be used to expand the scattering operator in the sum of operators characteristic of the radiator's internal states.

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