Vibrational analysis of a model for the hydroxide ion in aqueous solution

A vibrational analysis of a model for the solvated hydroxide ion in which OH is hydrogen-bonded to three H2O molecules has been carried out. Force constants were assigned to give calculated frequencies consistent with: (a) i.r. and Raman measurements of alkali metal hydroxide solutions and solid hydrates; (b) the magnitude and temperature dependence of the equilibrium constant KG for the isotope exchange reaction, 2DO(D2O)3+ 7H2O(g) 2HO(H2O)3+ 7D2O(g); and (c) alternative combinations of fractionation factors, ϕa for the hydroxide ion and ϕb for its three hydrogen bonded water hydrogens, consistent with the experimental value of KG. Best agreement of calculated with observed hydroxide stretching frequencies (3 600 cm–1) was achieved with ϕa 1.15 and ϕb 0.57, implying that hydroxide solvent isotope effects are dominated by contributions from the solvation shell; however, the calculated librational frequency was high. A lower librational frequency was obtained with ϕa 0.57 and ϕb 0.91, but then the stretching frequency was low (ca. 3 000 cm–1). The results are discussed in the light of current interpretations of hydroxide spectra in condensed phases.