Strangulation in child abuse: CT diagnosis.

The central nervous system is commonly affected in child abuse. Between April 1985 and July 1986 three infants were identified in whom the primary mode of injury had been strangulation. In each case computed tomography (CT) demonstrated a large cerebral infarction confined to vascular territories associated with small subdural hematomas. There was no history or visible evidence of significant head trauma. Autopsy of one infant confirmed the presence of a hemispheric infarct, thin subdural hematoma, and an area of subintimal hemorrhage in th carotid artery ipsilateral to the infarct. The remaining two patients survived with residual hemiparesis. CT findings of a large cerebral infarction with an associated subdural hematoma in an infant without a history of a significant trauma should suggest the possibility of child abuse and may the primary manifestation of abuse in some patients.