The mechanisms by which the body attempts to avoid tissue hypoxia when total body oxygen delivery is compromised during acute anemia are reviewed. When the hematocrit is reduced by isovolemic hemodilution the compensatory adjustments include an increase in cardiac output, redistribution of blood flow to some tissues, and an increase in the whole body oxygen extraction ratio. These responses permit whole body oxygen uptake to be maintained until the hematocrit has been lowered to about 10%. Several factors are discussed which contribute to the increase in cardiac output during acute anemia including the reduction in blood viscosity, sympathetic innervation of the heart, and increased venomotor tone. The latter has been shown to be dependent on intact aortic chemoreceptors. With respect to peripheral vascular responses, the rise in coronary and cerebral blood flows which occur following hemodilution is proportionally greater than the increase in cardiac output while the opposite is true for kidney, liver, spleen, and intestine. Skeletal muscle does not contribute to a redistribution of blood flow to more vital areas during acute anemia despite its relatively large anaerobic capacity. Overall, peripheral compensatory adjustments result in an increased oxygen extraction ratio during acute anemia which reflects a better matching of the limited oxygen supply to tissue oxygen demands. However, some areas such as muscle are relatively overperfused which limits an even more efficient utilization of the reduced oxygen supply. Studies of the response of the microcirculation and the extent to which sympathetic vascular controls are involved in peripheral blood flow regulation are necessary to further appreciate the complex pattern of physiological responses which help ensure survival of the organism during acute anemia.