Taxonomy of Toxoplasma*

After reviewing reports of the hosts, structure and life cycle of Toxoplasma, the genus is placed in the apicomplexan family Eimeriidae and the following 7 spp. are recognized: T. gondii (Nicolle and Manceaux) (type species) from about 200 spp. of mammals and birds, with oocysts in felids; T. alencari (Da Costa and Pereira) from the frog Leptodactylus ocellatus; T. brumpti Coutelen from the iguana Iguana tuberculata; T. colubri Tibaldi from the snakes Coluber melanoleucus and C. viridiflavus; T. hammondi (Frenkel and Dubey) comb. nov. (Hammondia hammondi) from the house mouse with oocysts in the domestic cat; T. ranae Levine and Nye from the leopard frog Rana pipiens; and T. serpai Scorza, Dagert and Iturriza Arocha from the toad Bufo marinus.