LXXVII Studies on the Physiology of the Trachea

It seemed desirable to obtain a continuous instantaneous recording of the beat frequency of the ciliated epithelium. The method presented is based on the principle of the light beam reflex in which the optic-microscope method has been completed with an electronic magnification (television). Phototubes placed on the surface of the monitor record the ciliary beat reflexes and registering was performed on an oscilloscope or an ink writer via an integrating circuit. The following results were obtained: 1) The ciliary beat frequency of the rabbit trachea at 20[degree]C is about 400 beats/min. and at 37[degree]C about 1200 beats/min. 2) The ciliary beat frequency is shown to vary within wide limits (40-50%). 3) The intensity of the ciliary beat reflex varies with a slow rhythm of about 0.2 cycles/sec. This fact points to an activity which continuously influences the tracheal mucous membrane epithelium and it is assumed that the slow rhythmicity emanates from the layer of smooth muscle beneath the tracheal epithelium.