Identification of the GABAA receptor subtype mRNA in human pancreatic tissue

Evidence suggests a physiological role of the GABAA receptor in the pancreas. Clinically, an autoimmune reaction involving the GABA biosynthesizing enzyme, glutamic acid decarboxylase has been implicated in the development of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. To determine the subtypes of GABAA receptor expressed in human pancreas, we analyzed, with the use of the reverse-transcription/polymerase chain reaction technique human pancreatic tissue for the presence of GABAA receptor subunits alpha 1-6, beta 1-3, and gamma 1-2 transcripts. Unlike brain tissue, pancreatic tissue only expresses the alpha 2, beta 3 and gamma 1 subunits. Our results provide evidence of a specific GABAA receptor subtype expressed in human pancreatic tissue.