The relationship between plasma levels of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic hormone and hemodynamic function in man.

To evaluate the relationship between plasma levels of immunoreactive atrial natriuretic hormone (IR-ANH) and different hemodynamic parameters in man, we studied 34 patients undergoing right heart catheterization. Plasma levels of IR-ANH in blood samples withdrawn from the femoral vein (n = 28), right ventricle (n = 27), and left ventricle (n = 17) were determined by radioimmunoassay. Right atrial pressure, pulmonary arterial wedge pressure, heart rate, and mean arterial pressure were found to be independent and significant predictors of IR-ANH plasma levels. The closest correlations were between right atrial pressure and either right ventricular IR-ANH levels (r = .78, p greater than .001) or femoral vein IR-ANH levels (r = .52, p less than .006). Five patients with isolated left ventricular failure had elevated IR-ANH levels out of proportion to their right atrial pressure levels. Pulmonary arterial wedge pressure also correlated with right ventricular IR-ANH levels (r = .46, p less than .002) and with femoral vein IR-ANH levels (r = .58, p less than .002). A single patient with isolated right heart failure had markedly elevated IR-ANH levels despite normal pulmonary arterial wedge pressure. Right ventricular levels were twice femoral vein levels and were closely correlated (181 +/- 40 vs 90 +/- 20 pmol/liter; r = .90, p less than .001). Right ventricular and left ventricular levels were almost identical (155 +/- 46 vs 146 +/- 43 pmol/liter; r = .99, p less than .001). Patients with volume overload states had elevated IR-ANH levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)