Altogether 16 Campylobacter (C.) isolates could be recovered from 65 Herring gulls: 5 x C. laridis, 2 x C. jejuni biovar 1, 4 x C. jejuni biovar 2 and 5 x C. coli. Campylobacter spp. were isolated from 15 out of 51 samples from Kittiwakes: 2 x C. jejuni biovar 1 and 13 x C. laridis. All C. coli isolates grew on agar containing 1.5% NaCl. Two Campylobacter isolates from 50 House sparrows differed from all other isolates by a distinct beta-hemolysis and other phenotypic characteristics and could not be associated with a certain Campylobacter species. Epidemiological aspects and the possible role of the examined birds as a source of infection for man and domestic animals are discussed.