SINCE Armstrong1first employed polyethylene tubing, the treatment of serous otitis media has been simplified. In a difficult case, however, the tube is often extruded before the eustachian tube has resumed adequate aeration of the middle ear. There are also those patients in whom equilization of the middle ear pressure can be accomplished only by a permanent indwelling tube. Most tubes have used the principle of a flanged end. This large portion of the tube is placed through the myringotomy. Even these are too often extruded. Silverstein2employs the malleus clip which requires insertion with anesthesia and is technically difficult to position. The polyethylene tube with nylon whisker for serous otitis media (Fig 1) uses a new principle to hold it in place. Pressure is exerted against the walls of the external canal. The polyethylene tube has a cross piece or whisker which transmits this pressure. The