Multiplication of Viruses Isolated from Arthopods and Vertebrates in Australia in Experimentally Infected Mosquitoes

Twenty-eight of 30 arboviruses isolated in Australia multiplied when inoculated into mosquitoes. In I series, all of 17 viruses multiplied in Culex fatigans Wiedemann after intrathoracic inoculation, while only 2 of 12 viruses multiplied after feeding. In the second series, 11 of 13 viruses multiplied after inoculation into Aedes aegypti L. The 2 exceptions were Johnston Atoll and Upolu viruses, which were isolated from Ornithodoros capensis. Four viruses were maintained through serial passage in C. fatigans by inoculation of salivary glands and 2 were maintained in Ae. aegypti by serial passage of whole mosquitoes. The results support the assumption that the agents are arboviruses. Feeding experiments suggest that Culex fatigans is unlikely to prove an important vector of several viruses isolated in Australia.