The following is a report on the distribution of the tsetse-flies, Glossina palpalis, R. D., and G. morsitans, Westw., in the Lado District, through which I travelled during the first six months of 1911, together with some brief notes on their bionomics. My route and the localities in which the tsetse-flies were seen are shown approximately on the attached map, and owing to the impossibility of showing them accurately—most of the khors and villages over and through which I passed are not marked on the map—a route report is also appended. From December 30th, when I left Shambe, till March 8th, when I reached Meredi, I travelled in company with El Bimb. C. M. Drew, M.C., and from May 2nd, when I arrived at Kajo Kaji till July 2nd, when I reached Rejaf, I was with El Bimb. C. H. Stigand, Inspector of the Rejaf and southern portion of the Lado District, to whom I am indebted for much valuable assistance.