A new class of sum rules is developed within the context of the ππ system. One of these sum rules is used to extract the ρππ Regge residue function from the recent ππ data of Carroll et al., for a wide range of momentum transfer. The residue has a zero near t=0.5 GeV2, in agreement with duality and with a new prediction which we make from the dual absorption model together with πp and p¯p data. The ππ charge-exchange amplitude is shown to be dominated by ρ exchange above 1.0 GeV. We also derive a new representation which expresses ππ amplitudes in terms of a single subtraction parameter and integrals over physical-region absorptive parts. The representation is valid over a substantial portion of the physical region, and constitutes a powerful tool for studying the ππ interaction. Finally, we show that a unitarized Veneziano model proposed earlier by the present author is an excellent approximation to nature below about 800 MeV, despite its neglect of Pomeranchon exchange and KK¯ production.