Collections of filamentous higher marine fungi in Martinique (French Antilles) resulted in a list of 20 species, 18 of which are new records for this island. New species are Ceriosporopsis capillacea Kohlm., sp.nov. (Martinique) and Remispora crispa Kohlm., sp.nov. (Hawaii, Liberia, Martinique). Substrates include leaves and rhizomes of Thalassia testudinum, pneumatophores of Avicennia germinans, prop roots of Rhizophora mangle, roots of Hibiscus tiliaceus, and intertidal and subtidal wood of unidentified hosts. A distinctive mycota appears to exist in subtidal habitats. The separation of marine fungi into the following groups is discussed: obligate intertidal species, facultative inter- or subtidal species, obligate subtidal species, and deep-sea species.