Spectroscopic and fluorometric methods were used to study the binding of the anticancer drug daunomycin to poly[d(G-C)] and poly[d(G-m5C)] under a variety of solution conditions. Under high-salt conditions that favor the left-handed Z conformation, binding isotherms for the interaction of the drug with poly[d(G-C)] are sigmoidal, indicative of a cooperative binding process. Both the onset and extent of the cooperative binding are strongly dependent upon the ionic strength. The binding data may be explained by a model in which the drug preferentially binds to B-form DNA and acts as an allosteric effector on the B to Z equilibrium. At 2.4 M NaCl, binding of as little as one drug molecule per 20 base pairs (bp) results in the conversion of poly[d(G-C)] from the Z form entirely to the B form, as inferred from binding data and demonstrated directly by circular dichroism measurements. Similar results are obtained for poly[d-(G-m5C)] in 50 mM NaCl and 1.25 mM MgCl2. Under these solution conditions, it is possible to demonstrate the Z to B structural transition in poly[d(G-m5C)] as a function of bound drug by the additional methods of sedimentation velocity and susceptibility to DNase I digestion. The transmission of allosteric effects over 20 bp is well beyond the range of the drug''s binding site of 3 bp. Since daunomycin preferentially binds to alternating purine-pyrimidine sequences, which are the only sequences capable of the B to Z transition, the allosteric effects described here may be of importance toward understanding the mechanism by which the drug inhibits DNA replicative events. The results described are of more general interest as an illustration of long-range allosteric effects on DNA conformation, of perhaps general importance in the regulation of gene expression.