Abnormal Brain Permeability in CO2 Narcosis

Introduction Carbon dioxide narcosis is a recognized phenomenon of the laboratory and in neurological practice.1 Hypercapnia is known to produce changes in the EEG,2 to dilate cerebral blood vessels,3 and to increase cerebral blood flow.4 The effect of hypercapnia on brain metabolism and permeability has been less intensively studied. In this report we have studied the effects of CO2 on brain permeability using sodium S35 sulfate and C14 urea as indicators, employing the methodologies of regional radioassay and autoradiography. Methods S35 sodium sulfate (Abbott Laboratories, Chicago, "carrier free") was administered intravenously to cats in the following dosage: 1 or 2 mc/kg for animals sacrificed after 5 min and 0.5 or 1 mc/kg for animals sacrificed after 1 and 6 hr. The differing dosage of radioactivity did not affect the results, but the higher radioactive dose was more satisfactory for metabolite separation. The