On the Comparative Susceptibility of Certain Species of Nearctic and Neotropical Anophelines to Certain Strains of P. Vivax and P. Falciparum from the Same Regions

The observation that representatives of several Nearctic anopheline species differed materially in their susceptibility to different species and strains of malaria parasites when given simultaneous opportunity to become infected (1) (2) (3) suggested the desirability of extending these observations to Neotropical anophelines and Neotropical strains of malaria parasites. The Nearctic Anopheles quadrimaculatus and A. punctipennis employed were derived from the colonies of these species that have been maintained for several years at the Florida Station for Malaria Research. A. albimanus appeared the most desirable Neotropical species to use for comparison, as it is common in the adjacent Caribbean region, where it is generally regarded as the most important vector of malaria. Ova of this species were shipped by air mail and air express from Cuba and Panama to the station, where they were reared in the insectary. The Cuban ova were secured from wild females, while the Panamanian ova were derived from the colony of this species established at the Gorgas Institute by Dr. Rozeboom.