Energy bands and magnetization of a Ni(001) monolayer

The calculated energy bands of a Ni(001) monolayer with the bulk lattice parameter display a wide range of exchange splittings influenced by hybridization, potential anisotropy, and bonding differences. The magnetic moment 0.98μB is 75% larger than the measured bulk value of 0.56μB, where μB is the Bohr magneton. Factors contributing to the increase of magnetization compared with the bulk behavior include narrowing and sharpening of the density of states, pd dehybridization, and increased occupation of the sp band. The majority-spin d bands are full, in contradiction to previous calculations in which these bands rise above the Fermi energy near M¯ in the surface Brillouin zone. Our results were obtained using a spin-polarized adaptation of the self-consistent localized-orbital method developed by Smith, Gay, and Arlinghaus. We used a new exchange-correlation potential derived from a recent analysis by Vosko, Wilk, and Nusair of the correlation energy of the spin-polarized electron liquid. Substitution of the von Barth—Hedin potential, which overestimates correlation effects, led to a reduction of the magnetic moment by 1%, and a reduction of the exchange splittings by 2—8%.