This part deals with all the Delopteridae, Protelytroptera, and Plectoptera which have thus far been found in the Elmo limestone; and with the Protodonata, Odonata, Megasecoptera, Homoptera, and Psocoptera contained in a new collection of insects mostly from a layer of the limestone above that which has yielded all other specimens. Protodonata, Meganeuridae: Typus readi* (p.415) ; Megatypus vetustus* (p.416). Odonata, Ditaxineuridae: Ditaxineura cellulosa* (p.419). Megasecoptera, Protohymenoptera: Protohymen readi* (p.425) ; Asthenohymen dunbari Till. and A. pusillus* Till., redescr. A discussion of the body structure of the Protohymenoptera in general is included. Raphidiopsis diversipennis* Scudder, from the Carboniferous of Rhode Island, is placed in the suborder Protohymenoptera. Hemiptera (Homoptera), LITHOSCYTINIDAE (p.436), n. fam., is erected for LITHOSCYTINA (p.436), type L. cubitalis* (p.436). Archescytinidae: Permopsylla grandis* (p.438) ; P. anomala* (p.438). A discussion of the evolution of the Homoptera during the Permian is included. Psocoptera, Dichentomidae: Dichentomum tinctum Till.*, redescr. from complete specimens; D. grande* (p.448) ; Lithopsocidium permianum* Carp. (p.450), redescr. Delopteridae: Delopterum minutum* Sell., D. elongatum* Sell., and D. latum Sell., redescr. Delopterum Sellards ( = Delopsocus Tillyard) . The evidence now available indicates that the family Delopteridae is a member of the order Psocoptera, not allied to the Protoperlaria or Miomoptera. Protelytroptera, Protelytridae: Protelytron permianum Till.*, redescr. and figured in reconstruction. P. permianum Till. ( = P. dunbari Till.); P. tillyardi* (p.473) ; P. angustum* (p.474) ; PERMELYTROPSIS (p.474), type P. cubitalis* (p.475) ; Protelytropsis grandis Till., redescr. MEGELYTRIDAE (p.476), n. fam., erected for Megelytron robustum Till., redescr.; ARCHELYTRIDAE (p.477). n. fam., erected for ARCHELYTRON, type A. superbum* (p.477) ; ELYTRONEURIDAE (p.478), n. fam., erected for ELYTRONEURA (p.478), type E. permiana* (p.479). Blattelytridae: Blattelylron permianum Till. and Acosmelytron elongatum Till., redescr. A. elongatum Till. ( = A. acutum Till.) ; A. delicatum Till, and Parablattelytron subincisum Till., redescr.; P. latum* (p.482) ; P. rectum Till., redescr. A discussion of the possible relationship between the Protelytroptera and the Blattaria is included. Plectoptera, Protereismatidae: Protereisma permianum,* Sell., P. elongatum Sell., P. arcuatum* Sell., P. latum* Sell., and P. insigne Till., redescr. Misthodotidae: Misthodotes obtusus Sell., redescr.