Effect of 2-Methyl-9 Alpha Fluorohydrocortisone on Internal Distribution of Fluid and Electrolytes of Fasted Adrenalectomized Dogs.

2-Methyl-9 alpha fluorohydrocortisone revives adrenalectomized dogs from severe insufficiency and restores them to normal health within 48-60 hours even when they are deprived of food and water during recovery. The steroid fully corrects the distorted fluid and electrolyte equilibria of the blood. The lowered arterial pressure, serum Na and Cl increase to normal levels, the elevated serum K and blood urea nitrogen fall, while accompanying these changes, hemodilution occurs along with a diuresis and further loss of fluid, Na and Cl. When adrenal hormones are lacking, water and salt are not only lost in urine and other excretions but perhaps equally important, are immobilized in cells and tissues. Following administration of potent steroid ample fluid and salt are redistributed to the extracellular and intravascular compartment with complete disappearance of symptoms and return of activity and vigor.