Foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) survived in skim milk, cream and the pelleted cellular debris components of milk obtained from FMDV-infected cows after pasteurization at 72°C for 0·25 min. Virus was recovered from whole milk of infected cows after that milk was heated at 72°C. for 5 min. and from the skim milk component after it was heated at the same temperature for 2 min. Evaporation of the whole milk samples after they were heated at 72°C. for 3 min. did not inactivate the virus, but evaporation of infected skim milk samples after they were heated at 72°C. for 0·5 min. did inactivate the virus. FMDV survived in the cream component after it was heated at 93°C. for 0·25 min.