Si28(d, pγ)Si29Angular Correlations from 4 to 6 MeV

A study of the (p, γ) angular correlations involving the 1.28- and 2.03-MeV states in Si29 populated by the Si28(d, p)Si29 reaction has been carried out at five deuteron bombarding energies between 4 and 6 MeV. Angular-correlation measurements were carried out in the reaction plane and in that plane perpendicular to the reaction plane which contains the incident-beam direction. The data were analyzed by means of the distorted-wave stripping formalism. Statistical tensors, describing the orientation of the intermediate excited nuclear states, were calculated at each energy. Since the reaction-plane measurements on the 2.03-MeV state alone were sufficient for determining the statistical tensors describing the correlation over the sphere, comparison has been made between the measured perpendicular-plane correlations and the correlations predicted from these statistical tensors. In addition, a combined set of statistical tensors has been calculated utilizing data from the reaction-plane and perpendicular-plane correlations. The magnitudes of the proton polarizations have also been calculated for the 2.03-MeV excited-state reaction using the combined set of statistical tensors. The observed correlations are in agreement with the predictions of a distorted-wave theory and not with those of the plane-wave theory.