The data of Walton, Rhodin, and Rollins for the nucleation rate of silver on sodium chloride is analyzed using classical nucleation theory. The difference between the activation energies for desorption and surface diffusion, ΔGdes—ΔGsd, is found to be 0.3 eV, essentially independent of the value used for γ, the surface free energy of silver. The product γ3f(θ), where f(θ) is the contact angle function, is found to be 1.24×109 erg3/cm6. With γ=1140 erg/cm2, f(θ) is 0.839 and the contact angle, θ, is 119 deg. Using values of 1100 to 1600 erg/cm2 for γ results in contact angles of 133 to 75 deg. Since a Pound plot of the data produces a straight line, it is concluded that Walton's data may be interpreted by the formalism of classical nucleation theory. The radius of the critical sized nucleus, r*, is 2 to 3 Å, typical of other nucleation data analyzed in this manner.

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