An Electron Microscopic Study of the Location of Teichoic Acid and its Contribution to Staining Reactions in Walls of Streptococcus faecalis 8191

SUMMARY The location of the glucosylated teichoic acid in whole cells and isolated walls of Streptococcus faecalis 8 191 has been investigated using ruthenium red, gold- labelled concanavalin A and concanavalin A-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine. Dense laminae were revealed in sections of osmium-fixed walls stained with ruthenium red which corresponded to similar regions stained by uranyl and lead. Such regions were not seen after teichoic acid had been extracted, suggesting that the uptake of stain was by teichoic acid. However, these regions were not labelled on exposure to gold concanavalin A or concanavalin A-peroxidase-diaminobenzidine ; these stains indicated that teichoic acid was situated between the dense laminae, although the distribution of stain could have been due to the inability of the con- canavalin A stains to penetrate deeply. Chemical binding studies showed that the teichoic acid was the major uranyl binding component in isolated walls, from which. it might be inferred that teichoic acid was located in the densely staining regions. However, since osmification significantly increased the binding of uranyl (and lead stains) to non-teichoic acid material, such an inference was not necessarily valid. It is concluded that the presence of teichoic acid can be demonstrated in certain regions of the wall by concanavalin A, but its presence in densely staining regions has not been established. These experiments therefore suggest that teichoic acid may not be intimately associated with the mechanisms that generate contrast patterns in stained sections of cell walls of Streptococcus faecalis.